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Aim and Scope
The “International Journal of Technology and Engineering System” (IJTES™) is an international online journal in English published quarterly. The aim of IJTES™ is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles in rapidly developing field of Technology and Engineering System. This journal is an online journal having full access to the research and review paper. The journal aims to cover the latest outstanding developments in the field of Technology and Engineering System but not limited to the following branches
Engineering and Technology
Automation and Mobile Robots
Virtual Reality
Image Processing
Computational Biology
Photonics Networks
Virtual Reality
Computer Science
Photonics Networks
Data Compression
Search Engine Design
Brain Mapping
Text Abstraction
Information Theory
Artificial Intelligence
Soft Computing
Data Engineering
Architecture Evaluations
Design of Algorithms
Data Fusion
Computer Systems
Statistical Techniques
Genetic Algorithms
would take much care in making your article published without much delay with your kind cooperation.

IJTES™ hopes that Researchers, Research scholars, Academician, Industrialists, Consultancy etc. would make use of this journal publication for the development of science and technology.
International Journal of Technology and Engineering System
ISSN: 0976-1345
©Copyright 2009 - 2013 IJTES gopalax Journals Publications. All rights reserved.